18 September 2012

Blemishes in the Sand

     I don't know what inspired me to write.  Oh sure, I can tell you exactly what inspired each story or blurb I've ever written, but I don't know what sparked me to put what bounces around in my head to paper.  Well, electronic paper in this wonderful day and age, though a keyboard doesn't always replace the joy of having a blank sheet of paper and a pen in my hand.
     I'm not even sure if I want to choose a genre to write in.  Fantasy, while fascinating and one of my favorites to read, just doesn't pique my interest to write.  Horror is too subjective in that different people are scared by different things (and I must admit, you have to have the perfect pace to get the reader on edge...Stephen King had me putting the book down to go find a glass of water during a tense chapter in Gerald's Game).
     It saddens me that the most recent thing I've written was years ago, with "God Loves Planes" being written in 2000, and "The Charming Mr. LeChance" in 2000 or 2001.  Of course, I have a notebook full of blurbs, starts, middles, and ends.  Nothing complete, nor even worth fleshing out into full stories.  Except maybe one little bit that keeps popping into my head that I jotted down in 2006.  Just mentioning it, the scene I pictured in my head when I jotted it down sprang back into my head with perfect clarity...
     Perhaps this blog is just the place it needed to call home?

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